"nana" = "Mom, I'm hungry" also "I would like to eat that banana."
"uh oh" = "I dropped that on the floor so you'll pick it up and give it back to me so we can repeat the process."
"muh" = "big kiss for this stuffed animal" or "Here, you kiss my animal!"
There are lots more that aren't consistent yet, but he's getting REALLY good at copying us. This is making me a little more aware of what I say...it is also making me catch myself speaking to adults in toddler-speak...FABULOUS!
Since James is picking up on everything, this weekend I decided that since things are starting to slow down a bit from the mach-speed move a few weeks ago, it is high time I should be getting myself and the little man into a set routine in our new digs. His eating and nap schedule haven't changed much but I needed a concrete schedule that incorporated a specific time each day for educational/developmental activities, music, outdoor/messy play, and most importantly, a time for learning about our God. So far these things have been peppered into our days sporadically which means my brain is all over the place. I thrive in a structured environment and as a SAHM, I have struggled to create that structure for myself. (I typically have no idea what time it is.) Since homeschooling is a path we are looking into for the future, I decided to have a trial run at it and treat our days at home like I would if I was in a classroom setting (except we stay in our PJ's and cuddle a lot). I am a very visual person, so to accomplish this, I need something in front of my face to keep me on track. Enter, technology. When the little man first came home, I created a Google calendar with his feeding and sleeping schedule that gave me reminders throughout the day. The only problem was, I had to be at my laptop to see it. It invariably fell by the wayside. I've since used a notebook, a dry erase board, etc, but nothing has worked as well as my current system does. My husband got a free iPhone a few days ago so I inherited our iPod touch which I've been super pumped about. I opened my Google calendar for the first time in ages and there was our schedule from the days when the little man nursed every 2 hours. That made me a little teary eyed, but then I realized I could have his current schedule in my hand with alerts throughout the day (yay!). I entered his current schedule along with some new elements I wanted to incorporate and customized the alerts. It has been so great! I also made some printable schedules and worksheets for myself. (Remember, I like visuals!) The schedules are going in frames in the little boy room soon. (pics to follow)
The worksheets are simple. They just give me a place to write out ideas I have for each of the "subject areas" I want to cover. I have our afternoon split up into the following categories:
1) School Time
a. Letters, Sight Words, Reading
b. Numbers, Counting, Math
c. Sensory play
d. Motor Skill Activities
e. Bible Time
2) Music Time
a. Listening
b. Making Music
3) Outdoor Time
a. Messy Fun
b. Games, Being Active
I realize that I may not get to each of these points every day, but I like to aim high and try to get in as much as I can. For now, our School Time lessons consist of me writing words on a white board that James says already while showing him the object or person, counting our noses, eyes, hands and feet, scribbling with a crayon and reading sensory books, and Bible stories. I hope to branch out to include more hands on activities, crafts, etc. That's why I made these sheets. When I find an activity that fits into what we are working on, I'll write it in for that week. I'm so excited to be able to do this! I will be happy to email you the printables I've made to help me keep things in order. Just shoot me a quick message requesting them and I'll send the pdf's on to you.
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